Dear Patrons and Friends,
The health and safety of everyone in our community is a top priority at KCT. From our patrons to our youth, to our volunteers and staff, we want everyone to stay as healthy as possible during this time of uncertainty with Covid-19, and the rising number of cases in our area. With that in mind, we have a cancellation to share with you.

The KCT Board of Directors has made the decision to cancel all performances of Inspecting Carol, which was to open December 10, and run through December 20.
This is a heartbreaking time for all of us and we so appreciate the support you have shown us as we try to make the best decisions we can for the community we love. These decisions impact our staff, our volunteers, our youth, and our audiences.
We will communicate any other changes to you via email, as well as through updates to our website and social media pages.
We want to say a special “thank you” to the volunteers who have been working on this show since early October. They have our sincere appreciation for the time they have spent in production, and we hope to see them on stage again as soon as we can. We were able to meet with them last night to share this news.
For our Season Ticket Holders:
We invite you to choose one of three optionsbelow for your tickets for Inspecting Carol.
1) Donate the portion of your ticket purchase for this show. Cancellations are devastating for arts organizations that rely on ticket sales to stay afloat. Your donation will help KCT to weather this unfathomable storm and be ready to be here for the community when we are able to be back together again.
2) Carry over these tickets to the Fall 2021 show. Your 2021-2022 season tickets would then be prorated to recognize four shows for the following season.
3) Request a refund ($15) for each Season Ticket/Pass for Inspecting Carol.
For option 1, you do not need to do anything. We will automatically convert your tickets to a tax-deductible donation on December 16. For options 2 or 3, please send an email (we will need the request in writing, rather than via phone) to by December 15, 2020.
We ask for your patience as we navigate this process. I think we all realized at the beginning of our season that we might have to make changes according to local, state, and federal health guidelines, and are taking each show on a case-by-case basis.
If you have any questions about Inspecting Carol, your season tickets, or any other KCT matters, please use our website (“Contact” menu), or email us at Our staff is on a reduced schedule at this time, and we will respond as soon as we are able.
We are so appreciative of your support and care for Kearney Community Theatre and the arts!
Judy Rozema
Executive Director
On behalf of the KCT Board of Directors
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